Wednesday, June 22, 2011

New York New York
After Costa Rica, we came home, worked 4 days and then we were off again! I sure hope Brady enjoys his job as much as I do:) 
While he was at meetings I enjoyed myself some dance classes and green drinks! Soooo fun!! The weather was nice and we had a great time. 
Our friends Casey and Todd are lucky enough to enjoy the subway all year around! We spent time with them after brady worked and we had so much fun together...chums...and we miss them. 

 Yankee Doodle went to town...riding on a subway. Do do do do mm mm mm--And they called them Yankee doodle sweathearts.

This was my breakfast in bed...for working so hard while we were in New York.


Brady had to stand in for his working wife casey. I was the third wheel. 

...New York made him a little crazy


  1. We had such an amazing time while you were here and miss you!!! PUH-LEASE move out here...ASAP!

  2. Sammi, this was totally me like 4 or 5 years ago - taking advantage of all of Charlie's business trips and his frequent flyer miles. Enjoy it!!! Oh and my favorite picture is the one of Brady with the flight attendant poster.

    You guys are on my photo blog:

    And here's our family blog too:

  3. Looks like you guys are having a blast! Your Costa Rica trip looks like it was so awesome! I miss you! Guess what- we are coming to Newport in a month!
