Wednesday, August 15, 2012

at the races...

there are some genes embedded in humans that allow people to eat what they want, sleep in when they want, enjoy their free time on the couch watching ESPN when they want, and NOT exercise if they want. (I call those people BRADY's) and yet somehow those people maintain their figure nicely. i happen to know many 'BRADY's actually. 
then there is the type that can't eat what they want, do mindless silly arm movements or leg movements in place on a stationary something in front of a wall while trying to watch tv on a itsy bitsy screen trying not to fall off, eat sparingly when they are super hungry, (or say they are going too), and go phsyco when they don't exercise for 1 day. (I call those people SAMMI's) those that if they wake up on the wrong side of the bed, they might gain a pound. well genes, i have coped and accepted my label and now happen to enjoy exercising! so take that!! and I happen to like it! (or so i keep telling myself)

anyway, over the past year I have done some silly races--- paid for them too. Someone recently said to me, "you mean you PAID $100 so you could run 26.2 miles??" yeah, thats what i think. they should be paying me right?! i also participated in a  ragnar relay that was super fun! i always tell myself as i am training...'wait, why am i doing this?? this is kinda silly and i look goofy'  but they always tend to get me and somehow i end up liking it. go figure.

Prior to all of these races i ask my other half to participate with me. His answer is always, "I would rather do something fun, like play basketball or surf". don't blame him. makes sense. 

In june, my friend Mandy told me she was going to do a triathlon and asked if i wanted in. And just like before any other race, i casually asked brady if he wanted to participate? i asked him nonchallantly, making him think, "she doesn't really care one way or the other---so maybe i'll do it" he totally blew my socks off with his answer! SURE says brady!!!

yippee! that next day, the responsible person that he is, started to scope the web for 'Training for Your First Triathalon' schedules when he said, "well shoot, looks like we can't do it! we only have 8 weeks and this one is for 10 weeks".

not so easy buster. i wasn't going to let him get away. (deep down i knew he really was super excited to do something exercisey with me...) he kept looking and eventually found an 8 week training schedule. And we were off.    
i think we had a pretty good time! It was fun and maybe the best race out there! I would highly suggest it to anyone who may be {slightly} addicted to exercisey things.  we did a sprint triathlon @ Camp Pendleton in San Diego last weekend. 
ocean swim: 500 meters * bike 30 km * run 5K

     Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App  tri

gosh and i'm hooked! there i did it again, paid for something that I had to work for. in the end i would do it again...there is something about it that will have you hooked too!


  1. That is awesome Sammi! I saw the pictures on Facebook and it totally took me back to the summer we were on the swim team (the two slowest swimmers) in West Jordan. I managed to never make it to a swim meet.
    You've come a long way since then!! :)

    1. ha ha ha oh the West Jordan Sting Rays! I don't even think we made it long enough to get the swim caps we helped design. I used to pretend i had a cough so that i could stop swimming and get out. That was something else. Yep, I didn't ever make it to a swim meet either! I think I may have given the Sting Rays a bad name. Im not great at the ocean to begin with so the waves were getting the best of me and the nice lifeguards came up to me and said, can we help seem to be struggling. Embarrassing. The West jordan sting rays didn't teach me much obviously. I guess some things you cant change, swimming may never be my thing. I'm so glad we shared that great experience together!

  2. you guys are amazin! Love you
